July 13, 2010


When I consider traffic safety, I don't necessarily think about trains. I think it is because they seem demure. Let me explain. Trains are confined. They are slightly annoying when you are late, and they inconsiderately decide to zoom by on their tracks. However, they are not going to pull out in front of you and cut you off in the middle of the intersection. They are not going to be conducted by a drunk driver who puts your life at risk any time they get on the road. They are fairly predictable-- same route, same trajectory. Furthermore-- it is not a danger you can control or usually have to respond to-- like an animal dashing in front of the road or your own sleepiness to contend with.

However, in the same way that a gentle giant (say an elephant?) might be underestimated, unfortunately trains can be underestimated as well. This past year in Iowa, more than 52 collisions involving trains occurred according to a report by kimt News 3.

According to this same report, it can be difficult to gauge exactly how far away a train is. When the lights start flashing, people may still assume they have plenty of time to get across the tracks safely. Unfortunately, this is often not the case.

Here are some things you should be aware of:
  • Although trains may seem predictable, they are not on a set schedule-- do not assume just because a train usually comes at 3 p.m., it is okay to cross at 2:45 p.m.
  • Train tracks are actually considered private property- it is illegal to be walking on them.
  • It is very difficult for a train to stop. When one is going 65 mph, it can take up to a mile to stop with emergency brakes.
  • Trains overhang by about 3 feet on each side of the tracks-- so walking along side the tracks can be very dangerous.
  • Never stop on the tracks! Do not put yourself in that dangerous of a position.
  • Never try and 'outrace' a train-- it is not worth the risk.
Respect is a big part of traffic safety, and having respect for trains and the amount of power they hold will serve you well.

*To learn more about train safety and check out where the information for the above post was derived from, check out the following link.