I can remember 9 years ago when I went to see the movie "Snow Day". This movie is about a group of kids who try to hijack the snowplow on a snow day in order to keep the school closed for longer. These kids pull ridiculous pranks on the snowplow driver. While it's an amusing movie, I feel almost sorry for the poor snowplow driver.

In real life these drivers work night and day to keep the roads safe and clear. They have to work around vehicles, water hydrants and many other things. While this is a service we all appreciate, I will admit I have been really upset by a plow burying my car in snow. We can all do things to help us be prepared for snow and snowplows. Make sure you have an ice scraper and brush in your house. That way you won't have to get into your car before it's cleaned off to get your scraper. Park in your designated spot, outside your house, building, etc., or in a garage if you have one. Something that is not very smart to do is to leave your car in a large parking lot, such as outside a store. It will get buried. Let's appreciate what the snowplow drivers do for us and make their jobs easier.
Blog: A day in the life of a snowplow operator