It was finally Thanksgiving break. My friends and I were headed back home and having a great time on the road trip. As we traveled northbound on Interstate 35 we happened across an ambulance. Its lights were off and they had a body in the stretcher. As we drove by we watched as they covered the entire body of the victim. Each of us had the same reaction, did we just see someone die on the side of the road. At first we thought it was morbidly eventful. How many times does a person see a dead body along the roadside? However, as the surprise wore off I began to think, “that could have been anybody in the body bag.” I looked at myself. I wasn’t wearing a seat belt; it’s more comfortable to sleep without one. It made me slightly nervous. I began to respect the roads a little more….with a seatbelt on.
image from www.opsi.gov.uk/ si/si2006/06189201.gif